Fee Creative HK offers top-notch Graphic Design in HK.
F設計 / 平面設計Fee Creative HongKong

吊運 吊雞車 吊車公司 吊車搬運 吊機腳墊 吊索起重工具 日間服務 假期照常 電話:9839 6136 (李先生/鄭小姐) 電郵: [email protected]
K商業 / 重型運輸Kent Lee

DNB has access to Hoover's database, which can help you with refined marketing solutions for your business.
j商業 / 顧問jansj2315

GSL Technology International Limited specialized in the Document Imaging industry
G商業 / 印刷GSL Technology Ltd

Also available for English drums lessons! 逾10年教學及表演經驗, 首堂試堂免費, 雙鼓教學! 如有任何疑問或查詢, 請隨時致電/whatsapp (97424317) 聯絡, 或於Facebook/Instagram/YouTube 搜尋 freefungdrumming (內有更多圖片/影片/學生成績), 謝謝!
教學進修 / 音樂課程 - 鼓及敲擊樂流行鼓鼓手/導師(鋒sir)

• 引用高端、非侵入性的科技保障院友安全 • 取代傳統穿戴式裝置,可準確識別身份 • 具備閉路電視功能,加强院舍的保安管理 • 安裝容易、操作簡單

上門私人補習教授普通話(兒童 - Play Base/成人 - ZOOM 或面授/外籍人士普通話 /公司企業教商業用普通話/國家級普通話水平測試備試);電話:張老師69007908| Beijinger born in HK, Native in Mandarin, Grad fr US, Tst Level 1;Contact :Ms. Chang 69007908

一般電腦工程師工作, 電腦硬件安裝及維修, 專上教育:文憑/證書, 三年經驗, 良好粵語, 一般普通話, 一般英語, 懂讀寫中文, 略懂寫讀英文月薪16000-17000在職培訓, 手提電話 婚假, 交通津貼, 年終獎金 , 超時補水,

Hong Kong Companies Online Ltd是一家電腦技術支援公司, ,幫助各中小企業在有限的資源下享受高質素之電腦技術支援服務.我們的專業隊伍會通過定期的系統維護和 I.T. 的管理, 確保你有一個既安全又可靠的電腦工作環境,讓你能把握有限的時間,專注在業務發展上, 我們服務包括伺服器設置和維護,工作平台保護維修,防火牆,網絡鏡頭,VPN設置,電郵備份及封存,網絡設計和鋪設服務

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
t商業 / 顧問treasure123

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure

[About Us] Kenfil was established in US back in 1983 and as we saw the fast growing demands in the Asia market, we set our foot in Asia with the opening of our Hong Kong Office in 1989. With a single

Secure Associates is a privately held company founded by a team of security software veterans & developers to provide enterprises & service providers with solutions to manage security informa
S手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Secure Associates Limited

Hong Kong Wedding Photographer

位於元朗站附近嘅海洋泰拳會「Ocean Muay Thai & Fitness」交通方便,設施齊全得嚟環境又乾淨企理✨, 而且仲要係由5屆拳王親自執教!將專業泰拳訓練同 Keep Fit 結合,以輕鬆好玩嘅手法同大家鍛練身心! 歡迎不同程度的會員及初學者!Beginners and Veteran are Welcome! Call us now at 69327336 (Tel.)
O運動及健身 / 拳擊格鬥Ocean Muay Thai

We have a few 2nd hand Cars for Sale under good deals !!!! Please visit the details !!!
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠德星汽車維修服務TAK SING GARAGE

蚂蚁矿工DAYUN ZIG Z1(6.8 GH / S)ASIC K5,D3,S9j,矿工+电源 哈希算法:Lyra2REv2耗电量(W):1200 处理速度(GH / s):6.8型号: Z1 兼容货币:比特币采矿硬件:ASIC
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